Even though it has been around for centuries, acupuncture is a new territory for a lot of people. At M.A. Acupuncture Lakewood-Belmar, we are committed to demystifying the procedure, and helping people take control of their health and wellness.
Over the past year, we’ve all experienced a drastic shift in how we interact with friends and family, go out into our community, and care for ourselves. For many, there have been challenges along the way, including increased pain and stress. Reducing stress and alleviating pain in our everyday lives can make us happier and healthier, but many are not aware that acupuncture, thousands of years old, can help.
We utilize tiny needles to access distinct points on the body to help restore balance, alleviate pain, reduce stress, promote relaxation and improve overall well-being. Our mission is simple – to make people’s lives better by making the natural health benefits of acupuncture widely available, so patients take charge of their health and manage through this stressful time.
Locally owned and operated, M.A. Acupuncture Lakewood-Belmar is open 7 days a week, can accommodate same day treatment scheduling, and all sessions are just 30 minutes in zero-gravity chairs or our treatment table.
The Body is Designed to Heal Itself:
“Health Acupuncture” sessions: can address alleviate stress, decrease headaches, ease pain, sooth allergies, enhance sleep issues, improve digestion, to name a few.
“Facial / Cosmetic Acupuncture” sessions: increase the skin’s natural glow by reducing fine lines and wrinkles, calming inflammation and scarring, and boosting collagen and elastin. Additional needling on the face can happen at the same time as a Health session.